Iridæ Engineering

The Iridæ Engineering AI is designed to offer a cohesive developer experience around a set of tool integrated role-specific agents that have been trained on game content. From pair programming to code review — whether you need help understanding complex code, generating new code, or getting answers to contextual engineering questions, the Iridæ Engineering AI has got you covered.

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Collaborative AI Suite

Iridæ Engineering is part of a suite of AIs designed for game studios. We understand that each department in your studio has distinct knowledge and requirements, so Iridæ includes expert AI agents for every function — tightly integrated with the tools you use every day.

Engineering Assistance for Game Developers

Introducing Iridæ Engineering, the ultimate game engineering assistant. With its expert game- and engine-specific engineering advice, code review participation, and profiler output analysis, Iridæ Engineering is designed to increase developer productivity, optimize game performance, and improve code quality.

AI Type:

Modular data-aware language model chains, fine-tuned to role-specific functions, acting as autonomous agents


Web, Slack, Discord, Space


Github, Unity, Unreal, TeamCity


Code, Tagged Profiler Output, Unity project YAML

Streamline Your Code Review Process

Iridæ Engineering's deep understanding of game-specific engineering and active participation in code reviews makes it a valuable tool to streamline your code review process.

Optimize Your Game with Whole Project Analysis

Take your game optimization to the next level with Iridæ Engineering's ability to analyze profiler data and perform static analysis of your entire project. Its advanced machine learning capabilities enable it to provide tailored suggestions to optimize your game's performance.

Collaborate Seamlessly with an Intuitive Chat Interface

Get instant feedback on your code and collaborate in real-time with Iridæ Engineering's intuitive chat interface. Its deep understanding of game-specific engineering makes it a valuable pair programmer and a valuable tool to help you and your team streamline your game development process.

Improve Your Game's Code Quality and Reduce Bugs

Iridæ Engineering's game-specific engineering expertise and advanced machine learning capabilities enable it to analyze your code and provide tailored suggestions to improve its quality and reduce the likelihood of bugs.