Iridæ Design

The Iridæ Design agent is the result of connecting an encyclopedia's worth of design best practices to a powerful classification and regression system. We then wrapped it all in a large language model that was specifically built to understand player motivation, so that it would be equipped to handle everything from acting as a sounding board and participating in brainstorming sessions, to crunching spreadsheets and assisting with numerical balancing.

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Collaborative AI Suite

Iridæ Design is part of a suite of AIs designed for game studios. We understand that each department in your studio has distinct knowledge and requirements, so Iridæ includes expert AI agents for every function — tightly integrated with the tools you use every day.

The Ultimate Game Design Partner

Introducing Iridæ Design, an indespensible partner for your game design journey. This powerful tool offers expert collaboration, numerical analysis, and in-editor design advice to refine your ideas and streamline your design process. Say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to increased productivity and efficiency with Iridæ Design.

AI Type:

Data-aware agentic fine-tuned language model chain, ML classifier and regressor


Web, Slack, Discord, Space


Github, Unity


Text, MarkDown, PDF (OCR), HTML, CSV, SQL

Collaborate Seamlessly with an Intuitive Chat Interface

Get instant feedback and refine your ideas in real-time with Iridæ Design's chat interface that integrates with popular team solutions like Slack, Discord, and Jetbrains Space.

Leverage the Power of Data

Use Iridæ Design's advanced machine learning capabilities to efficiently handle tasks involving tabular data like numerical balancing, item table population, and playtest data summarization.

Get Expert Design Advice for Unity and Unreal

Streamline your game design process with Iridæ Design's intelligent algorithms and machine learning capabilities that can observe user actions, automate tasks, and provide real-time feedback for popular game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Collaborate on YOUR Game with Contextualized Behavior

Get personalized design collaboration with Iridæ Design's "retrieval augmented generation", a technique that allows it to incorporate your design documents and context into its generated replies.